Ebook Walking on Eggs The Astonishing Discovery of Thousands of Dinosaur Eggs in the Badlands of Patagonia

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Book Details :
Published on: 2001-06-19
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Original language: English

"Walking on Eggs" is the riveting inside story behind one of the most significant paleontological discoveries in history. In November 1997, Luis M. Chiappe and Lowell Dingus led an elite team of paleontologists and geologists into the rugged and desolate badlands of Argentina. Unsure of what they would find, Chiappe and Dingus knew that this region had produced many spectacular specimens of dinosaurs and fossil birds over the last century. Nothing could have prepared them, however, for the headline-grabbing discovery they were about to make: a massive dinosaur nesting ground covering more than a square mile and littered with tens of thousands of large, unhatched dinosaur eggs. Containing the first fossils of embryonic dinosaur skin ever found, the eggs gave rise to a host of mysteries. What species laid the eggs, and when How were they preserved And most intriguingly, what ancient catastrophe -- deeply rooted more than 70 million years in the past -- prevented them from hatching In clear, comprehensible language, Chiappe and Dingus frame their scientific investigations within the context of a gripping detective story, illustrating how they used paleontological and geological evidence to establish the identity and age of the eggs, as well as how they established the cause of death. Chiappe and Dingus also recount a return trip to the badlands in 1999 in which they set out to learn more about dinosaur social and reproductive behavior. Their investigations once again unearthed a key piece of the historic puzzle: the bones of a twenty-foot predatory, carnivorous dinosaur. As they decipher the evidence -- divining origins, discovering identities, and pinpointing possiblecauses of extinction -- Chiappe and Dingus interweave their field adventures with chapters illuminating the crucial precedents behind their groundbreaking work. Complementing the text are beautiful hand-drawn reproductions of what the dinosaurs and their landscape might have looked like, created by an artist who joined the expedition team in Patagonia. Infused with passion and an infectious sense of awe, "Walking on Eggs" illustrates the ups and downs of the scientific process and invites dinosaur lovers of all ages to experience the exhilarating sense of discovery. Diplodok Wikipedia wolna encyklopedia Jeden z najlepiej poznanych zauropodw diplodok to olbrzymie czworonone zwierz o dugiej szyi i biczowatym ogonie. Jego przednie apy by o wiele krtsze ... Fossil Tracks and Other Trace Fossils Refute Flood Geology Fossil Tracks and Other Trace Fossils Refute Flood Geology DRAFT 2006 - 2016 Glen J. Kuban Revised May 2016. Part of Kuban's Paluxy website Dinosaurs In the News - Crystalinks Entire Chunk of Feathered Dinosaur Discovered in Amber Scientific American - December 11 2016 The color appears to have been chestnut brown on top and cream or white ... Diplodocus Wikipedia Diplodocus besa einen extrem langen Schwanz bestehend aus rund 80 Schwanzwirbeln was fast dem doppelten der Schwanzwirbelzahl mancher frhen Sauropoden (wie ... Titanosauria - Wikipedia Titanosauria Stato di conservazione: Fossile; Ricostruzione dello scheletro di Alamosaurus insieme a quello di un Tyrannosaurus al Perot Museum: Classificazione ... Diplodocus - Wikipedia Several species of Diplodocus were described between 1878 and 1924. The first skeleton was found at Caon City Colorado by Benjamin Mudge and Samuel Wendell ... Saltasaurus - Wikipedia Saltasaurus (which means "lizard from Salta") is a genus of titanosaurid sauropod dinosaur of the Late Cretaceous Period of Argentina. Small among sauropods though ... Diplodocus Wikipdia Diplodocus est un genre de dinosaure sauropode diplodocid herbivore dont les premiers fossiles ont t dcouverts en 1877 par Samuel Wendell Williston. Walter Brown's Hydroplate Model Doesn't Hold Water A Review of Walt Brown's book and hydroplate theory ... Earth Boiled Steamed and Roasted Another serious problem with Brown's model is the immense heat that would be ... Diplodocus - Wikipedia la enciclopedia libre Diplodocus (griego doble viga) [1] es un gnero de dinosaurios saurpodos diplodcidos que vivieron a finales del perodo Jursico hace aproximadamente ...
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