Download Coming Clean Living with OCD

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Book Details :
Published on: 2014-10-01
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Original language: English

An honest and heart-breaking description of one woman's daily battle with a much misunderstood illness: OCD Hayley Leitch was just four when she felt the need to jump into her father's fishpond. Small for her age and unable to swim, Hayley almost drowned, but she couldn't stop herself. One compulsion followed another until soon Hayley was performing exhausting rituals and plagued by intrusive thoughts every day. She washed her hands with bleach and scrubbed her house for hours on end in order to combat her obsession with germs. Her fear of contamination was so crippling it prevented her from holding her babies at birth. On the eve of her wedding, Hayley cleaned her house for 18 hours solid. Her husband Robin pleaded with his wife to seek help. He suspected post-natal depression, but he was wrong: Hayley was suffering with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The illness had blighted her life and almost driven her to suicide. Hayley knows she will never be "cured" of OCD but explains how professional help saved her life by bringing her illness under control. It’s Hayley’s wish to give hope to other OCD sufferers and allow them to lead a happier life. Overview - Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - Mayo Clinic Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) features a pattern of unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These ... What Is Hoarding? Definition Signs Treatments - WebMD WebMD Feature Archive The Root of Hoarding: What Lies at the Bottom of That Pile continued... In the past experts saw hoarding as an an outgrowth of obsessive ... Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Web Sites Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Web Sites ... Children and Teens. I originally had "Children and Education" on a separate web page but I updated it infrequently. Conquering Distressing Abhorrent OCD Thoughts Things People Have Said That Relate to OCD and Anxiety Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it. - - Montaigne Why I Make My Bed 10 Reasons I Keep My House Clean I am obsessive compulsive about my house being clean BUT with 4 kids and 2 dogs my house doesnt stay clean very long. I do try to make my bed every day and I ... Sexual Obsessions in OCD (Unwanted Sexual Thoughts ... Sexual obsessions in OCD are recurrent unwanted sexual thoughts such as the fear of being attracted to something unwanted taboo or morally unacceptable based ... An OCD-UK information guide for people affected by ... D An OCD-UK information guide for people affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder OCD-UK is the leading national charity independently working with and for Scrupulosity: Where OCD Meets Religion Faith and Belief One of the first documented references to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) was in a 1691 sermon by Bishop John Moore of Norwich in which he discussed men and women ... "Pure-O" OCD: Common Obsessions & Mental Rituals Steven ... Hi Dr. Steve I am enjoying your insight on Pure O OCD which is what I struggle with. What do you recommend as the best strategy for dealing with the somatic ... 4 Great Therapy Techniques for Treating OCD Mark why would anyone NEED to clean a spotless table six times a day? Peter asked me wearily. He was calling to make a therapy appointment for his sister who ...
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