Free Ebook The Science and Technology of Industrial Water Treatment

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Book Details :
Published on: 2010-04-05
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Original language: English

Mineral scale deposits, corrosion, suspended matter, and microbiological growth are factors that must be controlled in industrial water systems. Research on understanding the mechanisms of these problems has attracted considerable attention in the past three decades as has progress concerning water treatment additives to ameliorate these concerns. The Science and Technology of Industrial Water Treatment provides a comprehensive discussion on the topic from specialists in industry and academia. The book begins with an overview of water chemistry and covers the characteristics of commonly encountered mineral scales. It addresses the formation and control of different scales in various systems and examines new developments in membrane-based separation processes. Next, it provides a detailed account on the operational challenges of reverse osmosis systems and scale control in thermal distillation processes. The text explores corrosion control in cooling, boiler, geothermal, and desalination systems and it discusses the interactions of polyelectrolytes with suspended matter. Includes coverage of a range of bacterial species, including Legionella The book examines bacterial species commonly encountered in water supplies, the mechanisms of biofouling, approaches to control it, and criteria for selecting biocides for water treatment applications. An entire chapter is devoted to Legionella in water systems. Contributors describe various analytical techniques for identifying mineral scales and deposits. They also examine applications of polymers for treating industrial and wastewater systems and give an account of analytical approaches for monitoring various operational parameters and chemicals used to treat industrial water systems. A valuable addition to the library of academic researchers, this volume will also prove useful to those working not only in the water treatment industry, but also to those in petroleum, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and other areas where purity processes are a significant concern. Electropaedia History of Science and Technology ... The history of technology history of science history of inventions the scientific revolution the industrial revolution the internet space communications ... Environmental Science & Technology (ACS Publications) View the most recent ACS Editors' Choice articles from Environmental Science & Technology. See all Environmental Science & Technology ACS Editors' Choice articles. Materials science - Wikipedia Crystallography is the science that examines the arrangement of atoms in crystalline solids. Crystallography is a useful tool for materials scientists. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research ... Using science and research to solve issues and make a difference to industry people and the planet. National science agency. Martindale's "The Reference Desk" - Business Math ... Large collection of links to reference resources including language centers calculators maps and science tables. Technology News - 2017 Innovations and Future Tech Get the latest technology news articles and op-eds. A look at the innovations and technologies that are shaping the future and changing the world. Technology - Wikipedia Technology can be viewed as an activity that forms or changes culture. Additionally technology is the application of math science and the arts for the benefit of ... Presidential Science Debate 2016 Hillary Clinton (D) When it comes to climate change the science is crystal clear. Climate change is an urgent threat and a defining challenge of our time and its ... Technology and Science News - ABC News Get the latest science news and technology news read tech reviews and more at ABC News. ACS Publications Home Page Publishes products and services for the practice and advancement of the chemical sciences.
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